A Restored Home For the Monroy Family

Victoria Monroy and her family were profoundly touched by the life-changing collaboration between Brush Arbor and Barry Staley of Independent Missionary Network. In the aftermath of a devastating fireworks factory explosion that left them on the brink of homelessness, BUYONE BUILDONE stepped in to offer assistance. The Monroy family received a brand-new roof and a crucial expansion to their existing home. This remarkable partnership helped grant them a home that exudes stability and safety. Their hearts overflow with gratitude to God for this extraordinary gift.

Independent Missionary Network

IMN is the result of a vision of its founder, Keith Brutout, who has been led by the Lord to reach out to a cross-culture ministry. We exist to help Missionaries develop relationships that make Christ known, demonstrate the Love of God, and bring the Gospel to all people groups.

Keith and his wife, Dawn, work to support the missionaries of IMN and their calling from God into ministry. We believe that we are not sending missionaries into the mission field, but rather following and supporting them in the work and places to which God has called them.