Jose Luis Ponce & Nubia Jose and Nubia are a married couple in their late twenties, early thirties. They have two children, Onan Isai Ponce Galo (13 years) and Jonathan David Ponce Galo (8years). The couple has been married for 11 years; however, it has not been free of struggles. There has even been a time of separation during their marriage.
Jose and Nubia had been living with Nubia’s family in a 12’x10’ Living Room, right next to Nubia’s parents. As you can imagine hard for anyone in the best of circumstances.
They have owned a piece of property for many years. The lot of land was very uneven and not level. Jose and his wife worked hard for many years to level the ground. They had poured a concrete floor and a retaining wall. With the foundation in place, Carpenters for Christ came and felt that the lot was viable for building a sustainable home that would be much bigger than what they were living in at the time.
The family are regular attendees and members of the Church of Mount Sinai. Jose is a musician and shares his talents with their church. Through all of these challenges, they have worked to stay obedient to God and to make sure their children know they are loved and cared for. What makes this home so special are the words from Jose on how God not only restored his marriage over this time, but also fulfilled His promise to provide a building he could call “home.”
“God can do great things with simple obedience. Not only is my marriage restored but also a house for it was provided. HOME SWEET HOME.”
Right after this was said, we went to take a family photo and a breeze came from the left side of the mountain and the sun on the right side of the valley worked together showing one of God’s miracles by forming a rainbow. We were all amazed and thankful for the great way to conclude the project.
Thank you “BUYONE BUILDONE.” For the generosity toward those in need for a home.
Carpenters for Christ: Meet Jonathan Rivas
Far Reaching Ministries provides humanitarian resources relief to the poor and persecuted people in various nations throughout the world. It’s mission is to rescue and prevent the suffering and exploitation of vulnerable communities by assisting to rebuild lives after facing religious persecution, violence, ethnic cleansing, rape, abduction, torture, and humanitarian crises caused by civil war. Far Reaching Ministries serves the afflicted, the starving, those enslaved by human traffickers, the ill or dying by bringing aid for their physical needs, but most importantly, fulfilling their spiritual needs.