Bridging Ashburn and Honduras: Building Homes for a Cause

Damaris Cerrato (36) is a single mother raising her two children, Angie( 11) and Stephany (3). She is also providing a home for her mother,Yolanda (55). Together they live in the Talanga Municipality of Honduras.

Damaris does what she can to provide forher children and mother. However, work opportunities are lacking severely. The opportunities that are available, are in the avenues of recycling plastic bottles and cans as well as washing and ironing clothes. This is all done within her neighborhood. This work can only provide food for the family and leaves little for anything else.

A desire and dream of Damaris’ was to build a house for her family. Over time this desire never diminished, but fell short of what she really was hoping to do. She is a driven woman, and with that drive to provide for her family, Damaris was able to build a small room built with recycled wood and an old tin roof on the side of a road.

Jonathan Rivas was alerted to this family’s needs from the pastors of “La Novia del Cordero Church” (The Bride of Lamb). Pastor Hector and Sonia Ryes have been friends with Jonathan for several years.Their hearts were very touched by this sweet woman doing everything she could to care and provide for her family.

Together with BUYONE BUILDONE’s funding, Carpenters for Christ was able to bring Damaris’ dream to life. Anew home build plan went into the works for her family. Her new home was on a piece of land that even overlooked the beautiful views with the sun shining.

Carpenters for Christ: Meet Jonathan Rivas

Far Reaching Ministries provides humanitarian resources relief to the poor and persecuted people in various nations throughout the world. It’s mission is to rescue and prevent the suffering and exploitation of vulnerable communities by assisting to rebuild lives after facing religious persecution, violence, ethnic cleansing, rape, abduction, torture, and humanitarian crises caused by civil war. Far Reaching Ministries serves the afflicted, the starving, those enslaved by human traffickers, the ill or dying by bringing aid for their physical needs, but most importantly, fulfilling their spiritual needs.